2013 m. kovo 16 d., šeštadienis

sorry, bet ir vel anglishkai....

nebenerimaukit jei nesuprantat anglu kalbot tai nebeda, nes didzioji dauguma mano genialiu minciu ir toliau bus destomos lauzyta lietuviu kalba be lietuvishku simboliu. veliau gal prasides ir lietuviski simboliai, bet ne greitu metu.

taciau anglu kalba suprantanciai auditorijai galiu pasiulyti shtai ka:

o prasidejo viskas nuo to, kad youtubej parashiau nekalta komentara skatinanty jaunas merginas negadinti savo gyvenimu su vaikais ir darytis abortus nahui k ciortu na lieva i na prava. ir jus nepatikesite kas nutiko tuomet! ogi prisipiso prie manes kazkoks nuciuozes religinis fanatikas!! tuoj ash jums papublikuosiu musu dialoga anglu kalba ish youtubes:

insane religinis fanatikas:
"How about killing you first so the planet will survive? Or your children ? Or your brothers or sister, or your parents? How blind can you get? I presume you are an atheist. And you are worrying about the planet. I worry too, but God is all-powerful. He created it , he will take care of it. We humans by our selfishness, big big ego, pride, greed are destroying the human race first and the nature along with it. Return to God my friend, dont be the devil's advocate. Please!! May God bless you!"

"Im not atheist, I do believe in Force (God), but I know simple fact that as smartest creatures on earth we must take responsibility for everything (including earth itself with its fauna and flora) we cannot kill/destroy/trash everything and just say "hey, who cares, God will take care of everything". if we own this planet we must take care of it instead of trashing. and since we are not part of wild nature anymore we must controll our population. May God bless you too."

insane religinis fanatikas:

"That Force is God, and its not a force, its a Person. That Person created you and me and all what we can see or not see. A baby its a person from second 1, so if you have an abortion you kill a person, you take its freedom, you transform yourself into a god who decides who lives and who dies. Who are you to decide that? A human being is made in God image and likeness so killing a baby in the womb is destroy Gods image against His will to be alive. Without being baptized is double murder actually

cont: that baby have to receive Jesus Christ along with the baptism. The disbalance that you are talking about its nor from the babies. Its from us, adults who hate each other, greed, selfishness, lack of faith in our Lord etc. Overpopulation is a myth. Earth actually (not considering Gods help) can sustain 50 billion people with no problems. But not with one car each, huge mansions, luxury, useless things etc. A man wont die with a bread each day or two potatoes but with faith in God.

cont 2: i believe you have good intentions but saying that we need abortion its a satanic thing to say, You have no idea what you are talking about. Human fetuses are just some things for you? Are we animals? No animal uses to kill the babies inside their mother womb. None. Only the animal named man. Have you heard about free masonry? Judaism? Haters of God? Illuminati? they have outed this poison into your mind that we are overpopulated. The jews ate mana in the desert for 40 years. Think!

cont 3: We are not the smartest creatures on earth. Gods plan was to me the masters of Earth, the nature should be obedient to us, but Adam and Eve failed their mission being deceived by satan in Eden. The Bible is the true story of humanity. Search your answers in it, read it like a child. you might think there are only metaphors. there are not. Its the plain truth. If you want to know the truth I can guide you in the orthodox faith.Google that word "orthodox" and stop being deceived.Take care!"


"ok ok, Im not able to respond to everything, nor I see the point, but if you say that God is person (God itself, not Jesus who was human) then you dont really understand your own religion. and Bible is metaphors for God sake. seriously... I was rised as christian and I still kinda am and Im not saying that abortion is a good thing, but I see it as unavoidable thing. even if fetus is human God created us all as mortal things for a reason. so death is natural thing. sometimes unavoidable."

insane religinis fanatikas:

"A murder is not unavoidable only if someone is attacking you. This is a lie again. And Jesus was man and God in the same time. On the cross He felt pain like humans. Before that He performed miracles, He stopped the storm, He resurrected people from death. He has a double nature , but not mixed, each nature with its own will. John 1:1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jesus was god the Son. What kind of christian were or are you? A superficial one..

God decides when a person dies because He gave that person the soul and He can take it back whenever He pleases. Some call God a murderer because of that. You have to be stupid or totally ignorant to say that. God takes back what is His and everything is for the well being of that person. Because God knows the best for us, here on earth or on the other side, after the earthly death. Gods ways are mysterious for our mind. Who are we. Just some dust and we judge Gods ways. That is devilish pride.

Excuse me to say it, but the idiot is you! Sorry for those words. I explained you in the other comments why is that. If you have a good heart (which is doubtful because you sustain the murder called abortion) we can talk live on facebook or yahoo messenger and I will explain to you where you fail. May God bless you and enlighten you to see his ways!"

- May God bless you too........

ne kiekvienam bus idomi shita padjibyste, bet negalejau neirashyt i shiuos neishsenkamus "isminties klodus" tokio dialogo. netgi nekomentuosiu tu kliedesiu besikertanciu su sveiku protu ish to religinio fanatiko puses. galeciau prirashyt savo nuomones apie tai, galeciau net ir jam textwall'a anglu kalba ipist, netgi galeciau ji tiesiog uztrolint naxui k ciortu, bet kadangi neturiu tam laiko ir esu jau pakankamai didelis ,kad suprasciau jog bandymas diskutuot per interneta, juolab su kazkuo kas tau atrodo neispasakytai ir neistaisomai durnas, yra konkretus laiko, jegu ir nervu svaistymas, todel tiesiog akimirka ramiai pamastysiu kur yra zmogaus ismones ir durnumo riba, beigi nusistebesiu toki egzemplioriu surades ir eisiu savais keliais palikdamas visa ka Dievo valiai. teparodo mums gyvenimas kas teisus ir kas durnas. tiesiog vercia susimastyt, kas per zmogus gali rashyti tokias pievas ir kaip jos atsirado pastarojo galvoje. na belieka pasidziaugti ,kad kazdien kazka idomaus aptinku placiajame informacijos vandenyne.

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